A subsystem prefix is part of a module name. Subsystem prefixes can be registered with Oberon microsystems, Inc. Oberon microsystems guarantees that any subsystem prefix it registers is unique, i.e. hasn't been registered before.
A subsystem prefix must be legal Oberon identifiers, and consist of at least three characters and of at most eight characters. It must start with a capital letter, end with a small letter or digit, and must not contain a transition from a small letter or a digit to a capital letter.
Capital = "A" | "B" | ... | "Y" | "Z".
Small = "a" | "b" | ... | "y" | "z".
Digit = "0" | "1" | ... | "8" | "9".
Prefix = Capital { Capital } { Small | Digit } [ Small | Digit ].
Legal examples: Std Host Text Form Dev Samples Tutorial Sub0815 LOGos
Illegal examples: 815Sub Go Toolongprefix TeX TTY S101B
You may provide an alternative in addition to your prefix proposal. In case of a collision with an existing prefix, Oberon microsystems would register the alternative name.
An unsuccsessful registration (due to a collision with an existing prefix) costs nothing. You'll be notified about the success or failure of your registration attempt, if possible by electronic mail.
Prefix registration:
50 sFr. ofprefix
Software Templ, Austria
Oberon-2 to C translator for Solaris 1, Solaris 2, Ultrix, Irix, HP-UX, AIX, Windows, or Mac OS.
1200 sFr. ofront
Gardens Point, Australia
Oberon-2 compilers for various platforms.
call gpo
XDS for Oberon/F
xTech, Russia
Oberon-2/Modula-2 to C translator.
call xds
Oberon/F full version for Windows 3.1/NT/95
Oberon microsystems, Inc., Switzerland
Full version of Oberon/F for Windows 3.1, Windows NT 3.1, or Windows 95. Requires a 386 machine or better. Win32s is included.
450 sFr. ofwin full
Oberon/F full version for Mac OS
Oberon microsystems, Inc., Switzerland
Full version of Oberon/F for Mac OS System 7. Requires a floating-point unit and an 68020 machine or better.
450 sFr. ofmac full
Oberon/F educational version for Windows 3.1/NT/95
Oberon microsystems, Inc., Switzerland
Educational version of Oberon/F for Windows 3.1, Windows NT 3.1, or Windows 95. Requires a 386 machine or better. Win32s is included.
The educational version differs from the full version in the following ways:
- it may not be used for commercial purposes beyond initial evaluation
- there is an educational message in every window and on every printed page
- no linker is provided
150 sFr. ofwin edu
Oberon/F educational version for Mac OS
Oberon microsystems, Inc., Switzerland
Educational version of Oberon/F for Mac OS System 7. Requires a floating-point unit and an 68020 machine or better.
The educational version differs from the full version in the following ways:
- it may not be used for commercial purposes beyond initial evaluation
- there is an educational message in every window and on every printed page
- no linker is provided
150 sFr. ofmac edu
Upgrade from Windows educational version to full version of Oberon/F
350 sFr. ofwin updt
Upgrade from Mac OS educational version to full version of Oberon/F
350 sFr. ofmac updt
Stefan Ludwig, Switzerland
Source code analysis tool for Oberon/F.
75 sFr. ofwin devana / ofmac devana
Oberon microsystems, Inc., Switzerland
Arbitrary precision integer library and rational number computation facility.
75 sFr. ofwin apint / ofmac apint
Subsystem Prefix Registration ofprefix
Other Oberon products ofront, gpo, xds
Ask for quantity discounts and site licenses.
All products and their descriptions are in English.
Oberon microsystems, Inc., Switzerland
Oberon microsystems conducts a limited amount of consulting. Please ask for details.
Oberon microsystems, Inc., Switzerland
Design and implementation assistance is provided by e-mail exclusively. In each e-mail, one question to a particular Oberon/F design or coding problem can be posed. The technical assistance staff tries to answer a question within three working days. Ten questions per assistance package are supported.
500 sFr. aspak
Oberon microsystems, Inc., Switzerland
Well-educated employees are among the most important assets of a company. In today's highly complex software world, training is more important than ever. Oberon microsystems offers in-house seminars to topics such as object-oriented programming, programming in Oberon, frameworks, componentware, and Oberon/F. Please ask for details.
In addition to in-house seminars, Oberon microsystems sometimes holds courses at Technopark Z
rich about various topics related to Oberon or component software. The next courses will be:
Componentware - an Overview
This course gives an overview over and comparison of emerging componentware standards, such as OLE, OCX, COM, OpenDoc, SOM, DSOM. It helps decision makers to evaluate these key technologies of tomorrow.
Language: German
Location: Technopark Z
Date: Monday, October 23
1 day, 800 sFr. course A1
Developing with the Oberon/F Component Framework
This course explains the concepts behind the Oberon/F framework, and how they can be used to build extensible cross-platfrom solutions. Programming experience in Pascal, Modula-2, or Oberon is required. Each participant receives an educational version of Oberon/F either for Windows or for Mac OS.
Language: German
Location: Technopark Z
Dates: Thursday/Friday, November 2-3
2 days, 1480 sFr. course B2
Oberon Developer Forum
Members of the Oberon Developer Forum may take advantage of several services. Basic membership includes a subscription to The Oberon Tribune, and a 15% discount on future upgrades for Oberon/F.
Membership in the Oberon Developer Forum.
50 sFr. per year odf
Beta Program
The beta program gives the opportunity to receive preview versions of new Oberon/F-related products. On a confidential basis, subscribers get the opportunity to comment on early product specifications.
300 sFr. per year odf beta
Order Form
All prices are in Swiss francs. A Swiss franc currently is about 1.2 DM or about 0.9 US$. All products and their descriptions are in English. Ask for quantity discounts and site licenses. Prices may change without notice.
[ ] odf Membership in "Oberon Developer Forum"
50 sFr.
[ ] odf beta Subscription to ODF beta program (ODF members only)
300 sFr.
[ ] ofwin full Oberon/F for Windows 3.1/NT/95 (full version)
450 sFr.
[ ] ofmac full Oberon/F for Mac OS 7 (full version)
450 sFr.
[ ] ofwin edu Oberon/F for Windows 3.1/NT/95 (educational version)
150 sFr.
[ ] ofmac edu Oberon/F for Mac OS 7 (educational version)
150 sFr.
[ ] ofwin updt Upgrade Windows educational version to full version of Oberon/F
350 sFr.
[ ] ofmac updt Upgrade Mac OS educational version to full version of Oberon/F
350 sFr.
[ ] ofwin devana DevAnalyzer for Windows version of Oberon/F
75 sFr.
[ ] ofmac devana DevAnalyzer for Macintosh version of Oberon/F
75 sFr.
[ ] ofwin apint Arbitrary precision library for Windows version of Oberon/F
75 sFr.
[ ] ofmac apint Arbitrary precision library for Macintosh version of Oberon/F
75 sFr.
[ ] ofprefix Subsystem Prefix Registration
50 sFr.
[ ] ofront Ofront 1200 sFr.
Please specify which platform. Site licenses, an update service, and hotline support
are available also.
[ ] gpo Gardens Point Oberon call
[ ] xds XDS for Oberon/F call
[ ] aspak Ten-Pack e-mail Assistance
500 sFr.
[ ] course A1 Componentware - an Overview
800 sFr.
[ ] course B2 Developing with the Oberon/F Component Framework 1480 sFr.
For prefix registration only:
Prefix proposal: Alternative proposal:
Add Shipping and Handling, up to 45 sFr. for overseas shipping. Swiss residents add 6.5% VAT.
City: ZIP-Code: Country:
Phone: Fax: E-mail:
Amount (in sFr):
[ ] American Express [ ] Visa [ ] EuroCard/MasterCard